Luckwarm Orthodox Tewahado Youth


Luckwarm Orthodox Tewahado Youth 

 Most of the youth nowadays identify as Orthodox Christians but live a life that is no different than an atheist. With the same ear we listened to Mezmur, Wereb, Mahelet, and Kidase we listen to Rap. With the same eyes, we have seen the icons we see porn and nude pictures of people. With the same mouth that we praised God, we swear and gossip and insult our neighbor. With the same legs that lead us to church we go to clubs. In the same way we have included mezmur in our social media stories we also post stories with rap music. With the same love button we pressed on the icon of St. Mary, we also love the “hot” naked girls or boys on Instagram. The truth is that we have become Lukewarm as it’s written in Revelation 3:15-16 “ I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.”

    Our heart doesn't want to accept the fact that we don’t love God. Because if we loved him we would have been following his commandments. Some youth know what they are doing is wrong but continue with their actions because they have become slaves to their sin. On the other hand, we are seeing a multitude of youth that don’t fear God at all. They are not bothered to post their spiritual flaws on social media or make them public to others. If we have known God this wouldn’t happen. But speaking only about the problem will not change the situation, but understanding the problem is key to solving it. 


Problem #1 - Music

You are what you eat. Youth listen to music for different reasons; to fit in, as a relief from depression, or maybe for entertainment. Whatever the reason it doesn’t change the fact that music is generated by demons. And it is produced targeting you. The excuses you have for listening are given to you by demons. Some might say I only listen to the good ones, but there is no good in evil. Music is the weapon of Satan. The demons are working day and night to turn you away from God. And they have succeeded in this. Who loves going to church nowadays? Once a youth gets into college the idea of church is erased. If you want to learn about music see the previous blog. 

Problem #2- Relationships

Our relationship with God is not firm and concrete. We don’t really know God, and a lack of knowledge about God will lead us to the knowledge of evil. If there is no light there is darkness. When Adam ate the apple he was granted both the knowledge of evil and good. Also, our understanding of sexual relationships is that of evil. Our understanding of marriage and sex is from society not from the church. We are so cold that we don't even bother to ask. That's why we are thinking about boyfriend and girlfriend at a young age.

Problem #3 - Discipline

Just simple laziness affects important pillars of our faith and overall relationship with God.  Laziness to learn about God, to pray every day, to regularly go to confession, and to read holy scriptures does have an effect on our lives. Determination to quit sin and to stay consistent is what most youths lack. 


Solution # 1 - Prayer

Getting up from bed and praying your Wedase Mariam and Dawit might seem the most simple, but it is the hardest to sustain. If one youth consistently prays he can overcome Luke warmness that is in him. Prayer is the door to all the good virtues we acquire. Most youths know about prayer, but nobody takes it seriously. Prayer is a mirror that shows us our spiritual face each day. Doing this simple action can alter your spirit in a different direction.

Solution # 2 - Reading Holy Scripture

We all have been there struggling to read the Bible. One day we get motivated and start reading and we stop the next day. The Bible is like the sun, as you don’t see directly to the sun, don't try to read the bible directly and expect to understand it. If you are at the stage where you can read the Bible go ahead, but if you are a starter, start with Orthodox books that have associations with the desert fathers and fathers in solitude.  

Solution #3 - Confession 

Confession is the heart of Orthodoxy. One cannot say he is a Christian without confession. Most youths are afraid to confess their sins to priests who have bad reputations. Satan also intentionally shows us the flaws of our priests, that way you can be comfortable with your sin. No matter the reputation of the priest you should be confessing. It’s God vs your pride. The head of all sins is pride, so let your pride go and go confess and unite with God. Unless we do this we are not with God. Even though we lie to ourselves. True repentance can only be done through the sacrament! Not just deciding to stop the sin we are doing. If you don’t know the process and can’t find a confession father or need spiritual guidance, dm me on EOTC_Ministry I will gladly help you. 

It’s important to remember that we all die. We should be worried about entering the kingdom of heaven. Unknowingly we are choosing the world over God. One can not say they believe in God while still not keeping his commandments. And God will throw us out of his mouth. Believe it or not, there is God that sees your heart. Jesus said, “ If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” So deny yourself.

May God help us to become true CHRISTIANS.


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