“They chose Stephen, a man full of faith” Acts 6:5 Sermon by Aba Gebre Kidan part 1


            “They chose Stephen, a man full of faith” Acts 6:5

        As the book of Acts was being written a king by the name of Taophila requested St. Luke to write down all the names of the apostles so that he knows who they are. St. Luke then wrote about their acts since actions describe one person’s identity more than their given name. Also our lord and savior Jesus Christ was known through his deeds. When God does powerful things we know about his mighty power, when God gives- we know about his generosity, We God saves we know about his salvation. Are the names; Lord, Holy, King, and Pure enough to describe God? No, But we use them because these are the most honorable names that human beings know.

        Also, God is not described in only one name. For example, when we say God is a king, that doesn’t mean he is just only a king. God is a king, savior, healer, lord, merciful… etc, but all of these names describe his deeds, not his full character.  St. John Chrysostom says, “There hasn't been any name found that describes the full character of an angel or a single soul, let alone God’s character.” So deeds are descriptions for a given name. If a person’s name is greater than his work (spiritual) he is despicable and he will fail. That’s why the book records the acts of the apostles. It is work that allows us to stand before Him.

        Most protestants claim work is not necessary for salvation, but you find them quoting from the book of acts. This in itself is a fallacy because the book talks about the works of the apostles. St John Chrysostom says, “don’t just say you love ” If one lists all the foods he loves that does not mean he is full. Instead one has to eat the foods for him to be full. One can not satisfy his thirst by listing out drinks or get warmth by listing out clothes, this will not protect him from the sun of the summer and cold of the winter.  So don’t just say you love that and this. Only because you love to be an athlete you can’t become one unless you put in the work. In this manner, one has to work to achieve righteousness.

        If you want to be an athlete you have to work out and choose what you eat. If worldly things require work and commitment much more work is required to achieve righteousness. St. Paul told St. Timothy to develop a habit of good work. When we acquire such a habit, our names describe our deeds and the other way around. 

        If you ask me what made St. Stephen to be chosen amongst the other men, it is his work. To be called is for all, but to be chosen is for some. God has called the world but did not choose all of the world. He who is found worthy will be chosen, but there isn’t one person that God has decided for him not to be chosen. A person went to his garden to cut wood. He found straight wood which he used to make useful things out of it and burned the bentwood. But the person desires that all wood grow straight, but if they are bent he doesn’t choose them to make good things out of them.  This world is like the garden of God he planted us for righteousness. If we are found bent we are for fire but if we are found straight we are chosen for sacrifice, forgiveness, the house of God, and the kingdom of God. Also, there isn’t any creation that has been chosen to be created.
        The bible verse that talks about being chosen from the womb is referring to God’s omniscient character. When it says I have chosen you from your mother’s womb, it is saying I know you will be a chosen one, not making a decision. There isn’t one person that God has decided their life on earth. If it was like that God will be accountable for all the sins that are made by humanity. And God is not like that, God is a God of justice. The reason why we say God is just, good, and truth is not because we can’t win our arguments with him, but because he is right. Don’t fear God like an evil king. A person who lives fearing His wrath or punishment is like a Mendgna(employed shepherd who only does what is commanded to get his money). We need to fear his love and not to lose it instead. Because if God doesn’t punish him he won’t love God.

        Fearing his wrath will make us live in a criteria. This type of person will pray, fast, go to Kidase, go to church, cut his hair(male), read the bible, not listen to secular music, not go to parties…etc to escape the punishment of God not for His love. Do students wear uniforms because they like it or is it because it’s required? It’s because it’s a dress code, and that is why most students hate wearing uniforms. The day prayer, rules, order, and worship of God is required, it becomes boring. But if it is love that drives our actions it won't be boring.

            One father was repeating the phrase “our father who art in heaven” for hours next to a brother. Then the brethren hearing this repeatedly told him the next line in the lord's prayer. And the father replied saying, “I am not yet satisfied with this line”. Our fathers loved God in this manner. They love God unconditionally and they don’t get bored of Him. We don’t even realize what we are saying in our prayers sometimes. It seems as if we are reading a report not prayer. Even a report is done in a proper manner. The goal of a prayer is to be heard by God, so we need to at least hear ourselves when we pray. One father said,” My beloved, I will call you a great person if I find your conscience standing before God during prayer, not if you are educated or have done wondrous things.” So what makes all of us to be called and honored before God is changing His rules with love. That’s why they chose St. Stephen

to be continued


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